Mapping Resources

D.I.Y. New York City (includes a strong framing device for the value of the project, but some of the descriptions are relatively weak)
Final Project by Hope Marion (the descriptions of the NYC area are clear, but this author does not include any framing material for why she created the map or what she hopes her viewer will get out of her work. The "Final Project" title is also weak. Create an original title for your map.)
Come Together NYC (like the above link, some of the descriptions here are clear, but the map lacks any framing material)
Modern Gomorrah (another strong example of strong descriptive writing, and a good title)

The ? That is My Life (my example Google map)
Parks Around DU (1133 student example)
DU Light Rail Stops (1133 student example)
From Fiestas and Fifties to Fishies and Flicks (1133 student example)
DU Light Rail Stops (1133 student example)
Public Art in Denver (1133 student example)
Denver's Music Scene (1133 student example)
Living Mile High (1133 student example)
A Generation of Change (1133 student example)

Library Resources
Video Cameras (Flip cameras)
Digital Audio Recorders (the cameras and recorders can only be checked out for a short time; please plan accordingly)

Technical Resources
iMovie Instructions
Windows Movie Maker Instructions
Audacity Instructions