Wednesday, May 25, 2011


My name is Mark Meziere and I am currently finishing up my freshman year at the University of Denver (DU) in Colorado. I began my college career at the University of Oklahoma (OU) where I took an English composition class which is equivalent to DU’s writing class. Luckily for me, my high school English teacher did an excellent job of preparing me to write at a college level. I easily powered through my English composition class at OU, receiving A’s on every paper. I transferred to DU at the beginning of the Winter quarter and used the term as a break from writing. In the Spring quarter I was given one of the last registration times and almost did not get into WRIT 1133. Luckily, I was able to secure a position in the class to fulfill DU’s core requirements.

At the University of Oklahoma I had a very humorous and enjoyable professor but when it came time to do work she was all business. I completed a very lengthy and time consuming work which analyzed the Norman police department and how they affect the community. I found this to be an enjoyable paper to do because I learned a lot about the police community. I also felt satisfied after completing it because I put in a great amount of effort into making the paper perfect. The previous papers she had assigned were not too difficult, but this one made for a challenge.

The works I will put my utmost focus on I completed at the University of Denver. My first paper analyzes Colorado’s medical marijuana policies and how they affect the community. I feel this paper can definitely be improved through adding more reliable sources. I can also improve and make my argument stronger through a more detailed introduction and lengthier conclusion. I felt the content was all there but it could use some reorganization to make the paper easier to follow for the reader. I was pleased with my job in appealing to my audience. Overall, I feel this paper was not as polished as the others and therefore not as effective.

I would also like to revise my second paper which analyzed members of the DU community’s views on the smoke-free policy which DU enacted in 2010. I was proud of most of my work in this paper, especially in the organization. For this paper I had to find students and faculty to fill out my questionnaire. This proved to be no easy task, as many people will not respond to your requests to fill out a questionnaire. If I were to gather research again for this project I would ensure to have a larger and more accurate sample to DU’s community.

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