Monday, May 23, 2011

Frey_In Class Revision

For my revision process I will be focusing on our first paper, the text-based research project. My thesis which was related to the debate on legalizing marijuana in Colorado I felt was strong however I had a hard time making the argument without allowing my personal ideas and feelings get in the way. I also struggled to find scholarly articles to cite within my paper. These two issues made it difficult for me to argue the point I was trying to make. Another part to the revision process for me is the in text citations and learning how to introduce my quotations and sources to allow the reader to understand why I’m using them and how they work to strengthen my argument. My papers organization was decent however I will revisit it again when I look at how I view and analyze the other side of my argument. In both my arguments case and the counter-arguments case my paper could be strengthened. My final thought on the revision of this paper is the attention to detail. Not labeling the file correctly, missing the peer revision, and not editing completely all contributed to a grade much lower then I expect of myself.

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