Monday, May 23, 2011

In-Class Revision Ideas

My revision, if given the opportunity, would be the paper titled “Qualitative Study of Medicinal Marijuana and the University of Denver”. I feel like my main claim is not sufficient enough for my arguments. I did not let the reader know what the paper would initially entail. When revising this in the future, I need to make sure that I am concise in my thesis and that I relate it to all aspects of my paper. The weakest point of my paper is the review of literature, I feel as though I did not do enough to find relevant sources to my paper. Partly because of the scarcity of scholarly texts about medical marijuana, however I feel as though this would add clarity and ethos to my paper. To fix this, I could have searched other library in order to find valid research. Also, I need to work on correlating the different points in my paper, by connecting, chronologically, different ideas in your paper; you establish a certain amount of trust between you and your reader. Overall, I believe that the construction of this paper hindered its success, if I had used the paper’s structure to my advantage, I feel as though it would’ve been a better paper and it would’ve gotten the point across more clearly.

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