The goal of this paper was to research a topic through text. For my paper I wanted my readers to gain a better understanding of the make my day law and what it encompassed. I also wanted them decide whether or not they were in support of it based on my writing and evidence that I provided. The readers are people who are interested and controversial issues or maybe or already have a certain opinion about the law. I got my topic through a friend’s suggestion and then researched it on my own and found it to be interesting. I then conducted more research about it and organized section for my essay that I could conduct through out my paper. I think that I could have done a better job at clarifying my introduction. I think I did a nice job at being clear as to what my topic was and why it was interesting but as for the overall goal of the essay it may be a little unclear. I also made careless errors throughout my paper. I also needed to be more careful with my citing because that was also careless errors that I lost point on.
For my qualitative paper I researched the topic why student went to college. I chose this topic because it was interesting to me and I thought it would engaging to see the reasons students go to college these days. I gave out a questionnaire to a large amount of freshman in order to get responses. I think this was a good project because it allowed us to conduct our research for a topic we were interested in.
For our project, my group and I did a mapping assignment in Denver. Our topic was medical marijuana and what effect it has had on the city of Denver. We chose this topic because medical marijuana has become a growing trend in Denver and we wanted to explore if this was changing the culture of Denver itself. The audience for a project like this would be people who want to learn about Denver and the impact of marijuana.
The planning and process of this project was actually quite enjoyable. In order to get proper research for this project our group planned out various locations that we thought either represented the marijuana culture or directly sold marijuana. After narrowing down our locations we traveled around Denver and visited our various locations. At each location we took picture of the place and spent a little time there to get the vibe of it. It was splendid visiting all these places and also getting to know the city of Denver. In a few of the places we interviewed employees to get their opinion on marijuana as well. The people we interviewed were very friendly and had great deal of information to share with us. After visiting our locations we wrote a 200-300 words about each place about how we thought that place represented our topic and mapped it in Google maps. From our in class workshop we were made aware that many of our responses could be similar so that is why we opted to go to a wide variety of places rather than our original decision of just visiting dispensaries. Overall, I found this project to be fun, new and interesting. It allowed my group and I to not only to interactively research our topic but also get a better feeling of Denver itself.
Lucas Kukulka
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