Monday, May 23, 2011

Lucas Kukulka-In class revision

For my first research paper I need to clarify my topic a bit. I think I do a nice job of showing what the focus is of my paper but the actual explanation is a bit contradictory and confusing for readers. There is also information that I could cut out in order to clarify my point. Also throughout my paper I do not have proper citations so therefore I need to fix those. I have to do this on my works cited page as well. Another missing piece to my paper is that I need to introduce my sources so that my readers know that my sources are credible. I should also explain my cited My conclusion is to repetitive and I need to talk more about the main point I am trying to make throughout the paper rather than summarize the introduction and the rest of the body paragraphs. I must also explain the significance of it in order to make it seem like my paper has a point otherwise its like so what? Those are the main corrections I need to do.

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