Each of the assignments below used a different method not only in gathering data, but also in how that data was presented through my writing. I do not necessarily notice any chronological progression of my writing skills between the essays, however the range of topics and processes provided an opportunity for me to diversify my writing.
Text Based Paper
My text based paper focused on the evolving field of cognitive rehabilitation, specifically in conjunction with music or sound. Most of the information within the essay came from studies done by Michael Thaut, a professor of music therapy at Colorado State University. CSU has one of the largest and most successful musical cognitive rehabilitation graduate research programs in the nation. While most of my essay was spent explaining exactly what music therapy is and how music can affect the brain, much of the content was directed towards the value of continuing research in the field at CSU. Here lies the problematic aspect to this assignment. I wanted to explain how cognitive rehabilitation works, but that explanation was cutting into the amount of time I could spend talking about how Colorado, and America in general, should perceive music therapy. However, without the explanation of what music therapy is, its validity or impracticality as an alternative medicinal practice would be impossible to get across. While revising, I will attempt to find an even balance between explanation and argument.
Qualitative Research Paper
I hold a strong belief that popular music reflects the culture of a generation. After coming to Colorado from Illinois, I discovered an extremely popular genre that had yet to catch on so heavily in the Midwest. Dubstep is a form of electronic music in which a low frequency oscillator, or “wobble,” is used to create a grimy sound laid over a thick and highly syncopated beat. The sound is interesting, but I do not understand why it has gained such enormous popularity, particularly among college students my age. My study aims to explain what drives the Dubstep trend and tries to frame the genre’s success in terms of cultural and musical concepts. I interviewed several students at the University of Denver with one questionnaire designed to inquire about each of their personal beliefs and perceptions regarding both music in general and Dubstep.
Google Maps Paper
In hopes of incorporating some of the information I found while conducting interviews for the qualitative research paper, my Google Maps project revolved around the popular music culture and concert scene in Denver. I, along with the other three members in my group, visited seven concerts in the Denver area. With monetary restrictions in mind, our choices of concerts mainly reflected the underground or local aspect of Denver music. The writing style I incorporated into my description of Cervantes’ Cinco de Mayhem celebration is very different from the approaches I took with my first two essays. As a reporter on the location, I felt obligated to incorporate colloquialisms and slight humor. Although this may have detracted from the seriousness of my reporting, it was almost impossible to explain the public sex occurring at the show without a humorous touch. In the end, I believe that my cheeky descriptions made for a better piece of writing.
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