This blog space contains the syllabus, course description, readings, and course calendar for matt hill's WRIT 1133 courses.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Kelly Terry In Class Mapping Resources
This project focuses on radical spaces, events, and art that is associated with the counter culture in New York City. It does a good job identifying different locations and describing them. Naccarato, the author, stresses the importance of counter culture for the underground class and artistic thinkers. This would be a useful model because it studies multiple areas and locations to gather data and not just one specific place.
Final Project
It took me a little while to discover what the project topic was... but after examining the different locations on the map it looks to me like the research was just done on famous places or touristy locations to go in New York City. When clicking on the different locations, the author provided a lengthy but positive description. This project probably will not be a very useful model for me because the long blocks of text make it difficult to hold the reader's attention. It also was a little confusing at first as to the point of the project.
Come Together NYC
This project lacks an introductory paragraph, as did the last project, but I was able to more easily determine what the topic was by the capitalized themes: art, music, restaurant, public art. The photos used were also effective. It seems very organized and talks very positively about the different locations. This is a good model because the writing is organized and the set up is well done. The locations of study also seem to be logical and useful.
Modern Gomorrah
This project researched different locations for the arts in New York City. The difference with this project is that each location has a different icon and logo, which I thought was effective and helpful. The descriptions of the areas were positive and inviting. I thought that this was an effective project and would serve as a useful model.
In Class Mapping- Kevin Frey
a. The projects goal itself seemed clear to me; examine the DIY culture in New York by visiting places throughout the city known to encourage that lifestyle and its products. The project’s finish I feel is well done and does a good job examining many different aspects of NYC’s “underground” art scene. Overall this was an effective model for me because it offered a solid introduction that explained the projects purpose. The body of the project was well constructed covering a variety of aspects of art in NYC.
The Final Project
a. This project was much more difficult for me to follow and I got the sense that the main theme or subject of the project was not well conceived. I also noticed the lack of attention to detail in the creation of the Google map that we discussed in class. All of these things combined lead me to the conclusion that this was not the ideal model to follow when completing this project.
Come Together NYC
a. This projects theme was tough at first for me to understand but became clearer as I read farther into the different bullet points. I think the topic could have been a little more crisp and understandable but I thought the map and commentary was well put together and thought out. I think if you added an introduction that talked about the projects subject more clearly then this would be another good model for our project.
Modern Gomorrah
a. I felt this project was the second strongest in that it was fairly easy to understand the topic and it was well put together. Again I felt it needed an introduction to be truly great however I really enjoyed the bullet points and how they unified the topic. I believe if this project had an introduction it would have been an ideal model for our project.
In-Class Mapping-Scott Haraway
D.I.Y. New York
This project was done very well because it had a great breadth of examples on advancing modern day counterculture, from sophisticated visual arts to vegan fast food to grungy punk rock concerts. I thought this was the most effective structure of map, because it had the sort of introductory excerpt to introduce the student’s point of view for the whole project. It is the easiest to internalize because of the paragraph. She also uses a ton of pictures, which makes it the most fun to read.
Final Project
This project did not have very much of an overall sense beyond art, which eventually led to it ineffectiveness. It seemed to be a very surface-level project just about almost “touristy” art. This one was not very effective because it is not very creative at all and nothing was unusual or particularly enlightening. She also didn’t connect it very well to a topic throughout either.
Come Together NYC
This one was my favorite conceptually because I thought it, along with D.I.Y. had the most clear and concise theme. The sort of social bonding or “coming together” of citizens in many different ways, from impromptu concerts to grief memorials, capture the essence of brotherhood that is often associated with proud New Yorkers. I thought this was a very effective model because, even without an introductory paragraph, he makes each place an obvious connection to the theme. The use of a video as a dynamic attachment is also nice to see.
Modern Gomorrah
Every marker in this map has some sort of relation to religion within art. Some of the variations are a bit of a stretch to me, particularly the Indian restaurant, but his description was very detailed and a good read. This one was only somewhat effective because it had a lack of connectivity. However, his structure for writing the individual markers is done very well, though.
In Class Writing- William Summitt
This project seems relatively unclear. The topic is obviously D.I.Y., although it was never really explained what that was. What I understood from the project is that the author was researching underground, and relatively unknown forms of art. The forms included both audio and visual.
I thought that this example was quite confusing and that I wouldn’t find this to be a useful resource.
Final Project by Hope Marion
I was even more confused with the locations chosen in this project and how they could be correlated. Maybe historic and most examples were beautiful, which one may consider art.
Again I don’t really understand the correlation and don’t find this that useful. I think that working on a project like this myself would be fun and much easier, but I don’t find this to be a useful tool.
Come Together NYC
Again this is an art topic, and the relationships are becoming more and more clear, although this is still not a very clear project. The area covered is relatively small, and quite focused.
Now that I have read a number of these they are all becoming more useful, although I do not think that this is very well formatted. Thinking back the only one with an intro was the first, which really helps and aids the project as a whole.
Modern Gomorrah
This project was much more unofficial and more unprofessional than all of the other projects, because instead of just general information and facts about each event and location, that author of Modern Gomorrah uses more emotion and personal experiences to explain the location, which I don’t necessarily identify as a negative aspect. In fact, I found it much more interesting.
Again art was the main theme, but the variety of places I once again do not know or understand the connection. I thought that this was well written, and I found the content interesting, however the theme is unknown to me.
I think that over time I will understand this project, however at the moment these sources are aiding me, just not to a noticeable point. As of right now I don’t enjoy or find this beneficial, however there is further explaining and group discussion which on top of this will hopefully help engage me and clarify many aspects of this form of project.
In Class Mapping- Ali Bland
This project covered the number of D.I.Y activities that reside in New York City. The author’s main focus of the project was to expose a subculture, which contrasted mainstream ideals. The project was done well with the inclusion of proper documentation such as embedded photos, quotes, and having the author’s reflection of what it was like to attend these events. It was clear that the author observed each event with objectivity and gave the reader a variety of events and locations to attend to from underground art and music festivals, to books store, to good food. The author gives a good sense of the underground culture of New York City.
2) Final Project
The purpose of this project is unclear. The author covers many different places around NYC with background history and why a tourist would want to visit that place. The project is organized in a clear way and provides thorough explanations of each location and from a tourist point of view it is a useful guide.
3) Come Together NYC
This project shows many different events and the importance of the locations. It is unclear the audience, which is because the events do not relate to each other. The events are covered with much detail and description. It covers art, food, and music. The purpose I think is to expose NYC culture and it effectively used photos and descriptions to describe the author’s experience at these places.
4) Modern Gomorrah
The purpose of the project is to expose a subculture and the relation to religion in it. Through observation, interviews, and photos the author provides a personal account of the locations. The author had a wide variety of places to cover and from a reader’s perspective, the author gives thorough sense of the experiences at these places.
in-class mapping Liza Veysikh
1. The overall theme of this google maps project is investigating another part of culture in New York: that is radical and unique. The group investigated music groups, activist run bookstore, different, unique styles of architecture. Each marker had detailed information and their theme provided a sense of a “different” side of New York City that we usually don’t encounter in our everyday lives.
2. This is an effective model because the map is detailed and each marker provides a good summary of the event or place and good, real pictures of that place and the people involved in it.
The Final Project by Hope Marion
1. For this project, it was difficult to identify a theme. First, I thought that the project was about Latin American/Latino culture and then I thought that all this culture somehow tied into religion. Now, I think that the theme is culture including food, literature, art, and religion. The overall sense of this project: it’s hard to understand the specificity of their topic and what specifically they wanted to learn about the culture they presented.
2. I think this map isn’t very effective because it doesn’t provide a summary at the beginning letting the audience know what they were researching. Although the information in the markers provides details that are relevant to the topic of culture.
Come Together, NYC
1. The overall theme is art culture and how communities are brought together in the same interests. I liked this project but I think the theme needed to be more specific rather than focusing on two topics: art and community.
2. This was also hard to decipher as a project and only by reading some of the markers and the title of the project “Coming Together” I understood that it was not only about Art about many communities sharing their common interests. Overall, I think they needed to include more places/markers, but the explanation of each marker was good and effective.
Modern Gomorrah
1. The overall theme was about religion and how religion is viewed in culture and art in New York. I liked this project better than the rest because it provided good, detailed information.
2. I think this map was detailed and effective providing great information in the markers about the history of a particular place.
Parker Roe- In Class Mapping
Being from New York City personally, I find this specific rhetorical map very interesting. The map identifies a handful of unique “Do It Yourself” opportunities in the city ranging from a hole in the wall vegan eatery to impromptu music events, and consequently the D.I.Y. culture that is so evidently present. I appreciate that the author took time to travel to multiple boroughs (there are markers in Queens, Manhattan, and Brooklyn. New York City is very large to say the least, and it adds credit to the author’s ethos that she was able to cover a large area in her research. I think that this example is a good for helping define the project parameters. I appreciate the author’s introduction because it helped me understand what is going on. Some of the other maps do not have one and consequently they are not as effective.
Final Project
There is no introduction for this project which hurts the authors ethos. The direction in the project is not as apparent as the first. The author touches base on art and architecture but all in all it is not that great of a project. The descriptions are brief and the lack of pictures does not help the audience understand what is going on.
Come Together NY
Similar to “Final Project” this piece is wandering in a sort. The topic is unclear and the project as a whole is rather uninteresting. I will be sure to make my direction clear by way of a developed introduction that will set the tone of the piece.
Modern Gomorrah
This project is much better than the previous two. The author’s focus is clearly apparent. The project focuses on the abundance and presence of art in different aspects and areas of the city including restaurants, theaters, and cathedrals. The location descriptions are very effective and easily understood. I think this project serves as a great model for the project.
in class mapping
Kelsie Cage
D.I.Y. New York City
This project is based on students experiencing activities that an individual can do themselves in New York City. They are places based on local artists and music scenes. There audience is directed towards college students, probably ones that are not from NY. It gives insight to different venues, how much things cost, the history of it, what you can expect and where it is located. This piece maps out directly the writers trip in NY, stating exactly what day they went to what place.
I could see myself partaking in a research activity such as this one. It was a good model and provided interesting insight to the social scene for college students in NY. I think this would be a good model to use here in Denver with all the music, clubs, art shows, and events that take place in the city. However, I think the picture where a little much at sometimes...
Final Project
this project was directed more towards the history of New York itself. The author talks about art museums and the historical sites that NY is home to. However, her audience still seems to be directed to college students. Her places are spots where college students would go to in order to learn more about the city. The restaurant she mentions is a fine dining and historical place, however she integrates why it might be compelling to college students.
This is a good model as well, a different approach. She did not use picture, but hyperlinks instead. I thought that was a clever idea not to overwhelm the reader and provided the reader the choice of having additional information.
Come Together NYC
This piece was more direct with the information, it covered the same art, restaurants, music scene, etc. as the other but in a slightly different manner. It provided the details of each location and event, while providing the appropriate amount of pictures and even videos
I'm not quiet sure but I didn't like this one as much, it wasn't as personable
Modern Gomorrah
all these research-based maps are all located in the same area and touch on the same themes. They are just written and formatted differently. This one was written a little more matter of fact with good details. This could be direct to any audience that was interested in visiting NY.
Kevin Boutilier-in class-mapping the local
D.I.Y. New York
This project explores the various D.I.Y. projects in New York that have been successful. It describes in detail music festivals, alternative restaurants, and modern art venues. The author made a clear effort to visit and study in detail many otherwise publicized attractions. This project is affective at describing the D.I.Y. culture as well as the particular places where research was done.
Final Project
This project seemed less interested in modern culture and more interested in some of the historic sites of New York. The author emphasized the history of each of the sites visited, and seemed particularly interested in architecture.
Coming together New York City
This project seemed to follow art in New York City. It emphasized unprofessional art, taking a close look at street performers in Central park. Shows the culture of the little known artists of the city.
Modern Gemorrah
This was another project that concentrated highly on the arts, and more particularly their impact on the city. The project highlights in detail important places for the development of art in the city.
In-Class Project 3 example reflection - Martin Corral
D.I.Y. New York-
c. This project is not very clear, it is clearly focused on D.I.Y, however, seems to side track away from the main topic. Perhaps the biggest problem is that they do not define D.I.Y. in the introduction. I assume it means Do it yourself, however, what do concerts have to do with this?
d. This is not an effective model for me because it seems to not have a correlation, or does not do a good job of describing the main idea.
Final Project –
c. This project had no introduction; it only had several points of interest. Without an introduction, it becomes a burden for the reader to have to skim through each point, correlate them to find the meaning and return to read in depth.
d. This project was also not effective because it was missing such a core component as the introduction. I feel that if the writer had implemented an introduction this project would have been more successful.
Come together NYC –
c. This project also was missing an introduction. Luckily this project at least had a descriptive title to base off of. The idea is implied that the different POI are different aspects of NYC coming together to give you a feel for what this community is like.
d. This was a more effective model, however, I still don’t see why there was no introduction, without it, the project is a series of information, there is no piece to tie all of its meaning together.
Modern Gomorrah –
c. Yet another project without an introduction. The author was also competent enough to use a title to relate the information that the introduction should have. The piece is comparing the biblical city of Gomorrah to NYC through various aspects.
d. This model was very effective, I have a deeper understanding of what this project should look like, however, also have gained an appreciation for the importance of an introduction.
Hoa Vo - Mapping The Local
Kelley Murray-mapping the local
D.I.Y. New York City
This project delineates the spread and presence of D.I.Y. culture in New York. The author identifies several NY locations where D.I.Y. is present, further conveying the culture’s existent in the city. The author’s energy/effort spent in research is clearly evident in the use of several different locations and spots. The author uses many different sources such as restaurants, bookstores, and even music festivals. I thought it was beneficial for the author to have used various sources, because it reflects and further supports that the culture can be found in various social settings. I feel that this is more of a reflection concerning the popular D.I.Y. movement throughout the city. The author’s overview of her work or her introduction was very beneficial in gaining an understanding of the project. I plan on using an effective introduction to introduce the topic to the audience. I would like to use various sources throughout my project also.
Final Project
The topic of this project was more ambiguous than the first. The author does use various locations, however I couldn’t see a “thread” connecting them. Art and architecture were somewhat evident in the brief descriptions of the locations provided by the author. I didn’t feel like this project was beneficial as a “model,” for a project. I did not like the project’s lack of pictures, too.
Come together NY
I again felt lost by the topic of this project. The project’s lack of a clear topic, made me feel uninterested and bored with the project. The locations used in the project reflect New York culture. I will avoid not developing a clear topic throughout my project.
Modern Gomorrah
This project discusses the arts. I thoroughly enjoyed the author’s use of details in describing each location. The author’s locations include restaurants, cathedrals, and theatrical presentations. Art is an aspect of each location. I also recognized religion as a theme of the project. This project is more of a discussion of the art culture in the New York City. I would like to model my location’s descriptions after this project and author. I think it makes it easier for readers and audience members to not only identify the topic, but also understand and connect with the topic.
thomas_mapping the local_in-class
This project seems to explore the cultural and artistic venues of New York City. It goes into depth describing numerous cultural highlights such as music venues, festivals, and art museums. The project not only provides descriptions and opinions about these points of interest, but also provides pictures and quotes. Further, the project seems to place a heavy, though not necessarily exclusive, emphasis on counter-culture work.
I feel as if this is a good model to follow in my own work because of the amount of depth it goes into with each venue, and the way this information is presented. Overall I found it to be a fairly effective project.
Final Project
This project seemed weaker and less clear than the above project. It seemed to be exploring major points of interest through out New York City, though it appeared to lack a strong, interesting, central theme. The creator of the project described each site using both background information, and his/her own experiences. However, this project lacked any of the pictures or other multimedia aspects that can be found in other projects
Overall I found this project to be less effective than others, and would not be my model for future work. However, the personal experiences and lengthy descriptions do offer some merit that could be followed.
Come Together New York City
This project maps out various artistic settings across New York City. It seems to posses a heavy emphasis on public and unprofessional art. It provides numerous pictures and even a video for one location. I felt that this was one of the stronger examples, as it possessed an interesting and present central theme and showed strong background research. It also was very effective in its presentation of the work.
Modern Gomorrah
This project again concentrated heavily on the arts and their influence on the city. It included in depth research, personal experiences, and descriptions of each venue. I found it very easy to follow, engaging and effective. I found this to be one of the better models to follow for future work.
Fredrickson_Mapping the Local_In-Class
This project focuses on the “Do It Yourself” counterculture movement taking place in the streets of New York. This project clearly maps out some of the most important locations of this influential movement by focusing on those locations that are related to the actual culture of counterculture. This includes food, activities and music. By displaying events related to the movement, the author makes it very easy for the reader to gain exposure to the movement. As a project, it is very
straightforward and provides some very good insight into the D.I.Y. movement.
Final Project by Hope Marion
The focus of this project seems to be lacking. While the CIY project was very easy to follow and to figure out the focus, this paper is not as direct with its theme. The mapping is done correctly, and if you look for the theme you can find it, (It IS art and architecture right?) but this is definitely a much weaker project that the DIY one.
Come Together
This project also lacks an obvious theme despite being similar to the DIY project. It too examines a culture by exploring the food, entertainment, and music associated with it (also in NY city). One thing that DOES make this project effective is the use of photos as a visual aid. I would rank this one between the two previous ones.
Modern Gomorrah
This project certainly centers on the main theme of the course: art. This project highlights locations that influence art culture such as film, music and art. The research and description of every location was very extensive which definitely adds to the piece. It’s an easy project to follow with an obvious theme and one I would aim to emulate in my final project.
Messina_Mapping the Local_In-class
This project is about the D.I.Y. activities that are going on in NYC, and how they interacted with them. They author’s main focus of this project was the focus on the artistry. I thought overall this project was well done. With the author taking interesting pictures of each event, as well as writing about each one in good detail. You could tell that she did spend a lot of time at each event and really got a good sense of each location. From going to fairs, to book stores, I feel the author covered a wide range of locations that covered the theme of uncovering the underground artistic culture that is submersed in the city.
2. Final Project
This project covers a museum of art, church, library, and a bookstore. This project focused on places that were not really spread out, and did not really focus on one general theme, just touched on the history of each location mainly. You could tell that each place was certainly researched well by the author. I do feel like this model is effective because it shows an example of how the author did look in depth about the history of each location before actually really actually visiting it. I do feel that there should have been pictures though for each location in order to prove that the author actually went their and expierenced it for herself.
3. Come Together NYC
This project was also set in NYC and is quite similar to the first project with focusing on the culture of the given locations. It covered the general themes of art, music, and food. You could tell that this project was also well researched and did touch on the history of the locations much like the second project. I do fell that this model is effective because you could tell that the author was focusing on the main theme of great culture that is in NYC. From the vivid photos that really do capture the artistic culture in the city, to the detailed description of each site, I feel that this project was also quite well written.
4. Modern Gomorrah
In the last project I do like how the author used the pictures that relate to each location instead of using the standard little thumbtacks that Google maps provide for you. The main theme of this project appears to be counter culture and religion. You could tell that the author did conduct in-depth interviews and observations about each location. Overall, I do feel that this project is effective because it shows you first off that you can be creative with using the pictures as thumb tabs, as well as the lengthy well written descriptions about each site.
Howe_Mapping the Local_In class
D.I.Y. New York City Project
This project was about D.I.Y. events that were on going in New York City. By taking pictures and vividly describing each event they captured a good grasp about the atmosphere and people that attended the events. The map layout is very interesting and gives you a unique perspective on geographical the project. This unique way of laying out the activities on a map brings a whole new meaning to what is happening in New York. . The pictures are a nice visual aid as well. It is kind of like a brochure, like they're influencing you to go out and do this for yourself.
Final project
I cannot exactly tell what this one is trying to tell you, possibly something about historically significant locations? Anyways, It has a lot of descriptions of each place, but is not as clear as the D.I.Y. project which clearly and concisely informed you of all of the happenings in the area. I would like to see more of the pictures from each area instead of the dull paragraphs that line each marker
come Together NYC
Similar to the one before it, there is no brief overview before any of the landmarks were listed. As a result, it makes it much more difficult to see what links everything together. If I had to guess what the common theme is in all of the listed places, I would say it emphasizes on art in New York. This is an effective model as the author goes into great detail describing the places he has selected.
Modern Gomorrah
This final one seemed very unique. I think they focused on a lot of different emotions that they experienced in their studies and research. Though they were also studying culture in New York, they went from a multitude of places like Broadway Loft and Presbyterian Church. One was a place where she was there, partying with a bunch of others, but then obviously the church had a more calming atmosphere.
Goetz_Mapping the Local_In class
Come Together NYC- The author of this article chose to discuss the artistic collections throughout NYC. I read the article on the strawberry fields in a park where everyday there would be a group of men who played the Beatles in memory of John Lennon. These street performers did not ask for tips nor were they organized, this scattered group of men just came and went as they pleased and enjoyed playing the Beatles for a crowd and for themselves. The other articles discussed what other arts were expressed in the NYC area. There were restaurants and tiles that symbolized different things and gained appreciation for different kinds of arts.
Final Project- This collection of locations all related to a different source of the cultural network. There were articles on religious celebrations to the historical library which held important court cases throughout history. This project seemed harder to follow because of the lack of connection between the articles which is something that I will avoid when doing my project.
DIY New York City- This project was very interesting to me. I thought this was a neat topic that was able to incorporate a wide variety of counter culture locations. The different areas that counter culture was shown were interesting local areas that would not be well known by tourists. I would like to pick a theme that will be something more rooted in the local scene. I noticed that these examples of counter culture were all very near each other, a possible district or area of focus for counter culture.
Lucas Kukulka-In class, Mapping the locals
This project talks about the counter culture in New York city. It examines events and places that represent this attitude in New York. Pictures are provided for support as well as how the specifically pinned places represent this culture.
Yes this could be an effective model if my theme is examining a certain culture and places that really represent that specific attitude as well as provide the city with something.
Final Project by Marion Hope
This project is very unclear as to what it is about. It seems as though the author had the concentration of the arts in mind. She selected various places throughout New York City that all had something to do with a type of art and wrote about them, but did not say why she did that.
This could be effective with a more clear cut research question. Picking topics with a central theme is always helpful.
Come Together NYC
This author chose locations that seemed to bring people together. The author uses a wide variety a places to support this, such as a tiny restaurant, art gallery, and renegade fair. All these place according to the author promote a togetherness feeling.
This is effective model, because the author does a really great job of showing how all these places bring people closer together. I would have statement at the beginning of the project so readers do not have to discover for themselves what the project is exactly about.
Modern Gomorrah
This project is about the arts in New York City. It examines places in New York that all have some artistic value to them.
This is a great example because the locations to support the project do a really good job. The author explains really well how these places have an affect on the city and how they a great examples of the arts.
Olivia Anton_In Class Mapping
Olivia Anton
This project looks at “Do it Yourself” cultural hot spots throughout the city of
Final Project by Hope Marion
This project looked at different locations around
Come Together NYC
This project looks at the different cultural interests around
This location seemed to focus on a religious basis throughout
I think this is going to be a very interesting project but I would model my project off of the first project because I thought that was the easiest to use and had the most information embedded.
Benedetti, In-Class Mapping the Local
This project evaluates the effects of DIY on New York City, stating that without the DIY project, counter culture movements would be impossible. DIY is thought to change the way New York works all together, and the author makes it seem like New York would be dysfunctional without it. Since New York has such a high population, according to the author of this project, DIY events create a central basis for the way New Yorkers behave. There is a map provided, with multiple “push pin” links to several events around New York, which are easily accessed. Each event has interviews and personal reviews and includes descriptions and directions for each. Each push-pin event link focuses more on the event that occurred at that place, rather than the place itself.
2) Final Project
The objective of this project is unclear, but the information provided is still well-organized. This project focuses more on the place itself, rather than the event that happened there. There are various random places in the Final Project. Each push pin provides a background history for each of the places and reasons why a tourist would want to visit there. If I had to guess, I would say that the objective of this project was to gather several locations in which a tourist would like to visit, and why. The information provided for each location is very in-depth and thorough.
3) Come Together NYC
This is another project that took place in New York City in which several events around the city are described and a lot of information is given about each location. The reviews of the actual events are very intense and detailed. Instead of having multiple different events like DIY New York City, there were only a few events, but had very good detail and information about the event. Each article about the event is descriptive and convincing. Each event or location described in this project has a different category (such as art, music and restaurants). No two locations fall under the same category, which is an interesting tactic that allows the reader to get a little taste of every category. This can be beneficial when speaking to a general audience, because something that may be interesting to one person may not be interesting to another. This takes this variable out of the equation, because all of the main topics are covered in this project.
4) Modern Gomorrah
This project was much more unofficial and more unprofessional than all of the other projects, because instead of just general information and facts about each event and location, that author of Modern Gomorrah uses more emotion and personal experiences to explain the location. The author of this project speaks in such an unprofessional, relaxed tone, as if the reader was a friend. Using the personal experiences to explain the event, the author succeeds in relating to the reader and convincing them to share the same experiences. The places in which the author talks about are seemingly random, such as the Broadway Loft and Panna II Indian Restaurant. These places seem random and unknown. To me, this says that the author of this project was trying to broaden the reader’s horizons, and trying to get them to go to a place where they have never been before.
Walkovitz_Mapping the Local: In Class
Modern Gomorrah focused on the religious aspects of New York City. One of the pins on the map was a punk music concert that one of the members went to. This group member talked about the people he saw, what the people there were like, and just the overall atmosphere and feeling of the area. This group also went to visit a church, a painter, and a restaurant to help bring together their theme.
The final project group did not make it as clear as to what their theme was in comparison to the other two groups mentioned above. They did contain descriptions of their landmarks, but I’m not sure if they were focusing on architecture or what.
Lastly, Come Together NYC seemed to look at New York City as a whole and not really select a specific theme to base their landmarks on. It seemed as though they just went to a few different places, wrote their observations, and did not make any connections between those places that they visited.
Overall, I think this project should be a fun one since we get to go out and look at different places and just write about our observations. I like how we can include pictures or video to our project as well because it makes it seem more interesting than just writing. I feel like this project could be tough just in getting started and picking a theme. Although this project seems confusing, the example projects did help clear things up quite a bit though.
Description of Mapping Project Examples, by Matt Kase
D.I.Y. New York City
This collection of writing goes through the “Do it Yourself” ethics of the New York art scene, and in one instance the New York food scene. Each space is connected to its own description of what the atmosphere was like and why the DIY mindset made the location what it was. 8 different events are described, and the one that I was most interested in is split into three different places. It is a music festival that took place on top of New York city roofs. The author gives a thorough enough explanation of the scene to allow the reader to understand DIY music, but then goes even further to provide pictures showing exactly what the festival looked like. This piece of writing could definitely be an effective model for me, not only because I enjoy the content, but because the author executes her writing very coherently.
Final Project by Hope Marion
The author gives a decent enough description of each location she visited, but that does not make the paper an effective model for me. Her organization is extremely confusing. I cannot tell if she is writing about historical landmarks, Latin-themed locations, restaurants, or locations involved in the storage of books. An introductory paragraph, or simply a more clearly organized categorization of her concept of interest, would be extremely beneficial for Hope Marion.
Come Together NYC
Although he separates “art,” “music,” and “crafts,” this text primarily looks at the local art scene in a variety of locations. The first “pin” described is a Sweet Tooth art exhibit. In this section, the author does an excellent job of blending geographical history with the particular event he observed. Another noteworthy aspect of the writing is the crafts fair that the author visited. He included a video in order to illustrate what the fair looked like, and the footage is actually very well edited. I would like to use video in my project and can take an example from this essay.
Modern Gommorah
The focus and rhetoric used in this project has been my favorite so far. The author looks at the decline of religion through arts and culture of certain locations in New York City. Besides only giving a description of an event or place, this piece really goes in depth with the sociopolitical and historical contexts of the areas of interest. I especially liked the line “Punk music has always had beef with Christ.”
Oka: Mapping the local: In class writing
Cristina Naccarato’s project revolves around the locations where D.I.Y. activities take place. She used thumbtacks to mark out these venues and went into great detail about each venue, and its significance. The excerpts included had a sufficient amount of quoted material from the sources they used. I enjoyed how much detail she included with regards to the venues specifically her piece on the “Renegade Craft Fair” which I found reminded me very much of the scrap booking culture that is emerging in Singapore. Despite the colorful visual imagery, I do not find this approach to be significantly better than a well - written paper.
2. Final Project by Hope Marion
The first thing I noticed about Hope’s project, were the colorful thumbtacks she used to mark her points of interest on the map. She delves into a great depth about the buildings she marked. Her project is aimed primarily at discussing the structure, and the atmosphere inside them.
3. Come Together NYC
This group’s project was, like the previous two, located in the city of New York. Their project was centered on the arts: with the landmarks being museums, galleries as well as restaurants. The amount of descriptions included by the writers was significant and were effective in helping me to understand more about the project. The one possible weakness is probably the lack of variety with regards to the type of events. They compensated for this by including more details and placing more importance on the quality and depth of their research as opposed to spreading their resources too thin.
4. Modern Gomorrah
This project covered several religious landmarks that are significant to him. I feel that this is an odd project to undertake, as religion is a controversial issue that is hard to research effectively given the variety and amount of history and information associated with it. Having said that however, I felt that they did a good job of including landmarks from differing religious views to ensure that they did not appear bigoted. While this was a hard task, I would certainly be extremely interested in trying to undertake a project of a similar nature.
The overall sense I get from this project is that it is a complex project that will require a significant amount of teamwork, as well as effort on the part of every individual. The hardest part will be agreeing on a single topic to base out research on. Although I have not done any project that is similar to this in any way, it should be an interesting and meaningful learning experience that will help me add to my repertoire of writing skills.
Meziere_Mapping the Local_In-class
Grencik_Mapping the local
The "Final project" is not as open on their description of what exactly they're examining in New York City. I really liked in the previous one how the author provided a brief introduction as to what he/she was going to talk about, however, this one lacked that. They did not include pictures, but overall the writing is well done. This overall theme is based on the different culture in New York City.
"Come Together" also does not include an introduction. This overall theme again examines the culture by going to different restaurants, museums and music venues to help describe New York City. It briefly discusses the history of that specific area of NYC and incorporates photos to help involve the reader and put them there. This is an effective project and I would use it.
"Modern Gomorrah" focuses again on the culture of this particular area of NYC. There is no introduction like in D.Y.I to help give the reader an idea of what is to come. The author went to the main points of culture, such as restaurants, theaters, museums, etc. It does an effective job of placing you there by including pictures and sharing first hand experiences as with most of the other projects. For the most part I believe that this is an effective writing piece (just lacking the introduction).
Underberger_Mapping the Local, In-Class
This project is about the DIY counterculture movement that is taking place in New York. The author does a good job at explaining how New York would not be the place it is today without this culture, and then proceeds to map out some of the biggest locations and events in which the movement is taking place. The author took the time to include festivals, bookstores, music venues, and even restaurants. I feel that this project is more of an exploration, and simply using a map to highlight the physical places that support the topic. This is a very helpful example as it is very straightforward and easy to follow.
Final Project
This project is not as clearcut as the DIY New York City one. Although all the landmarks are mapped, and there is a brief description of each, I cannot tell what the author was observing around the city. There appears to be a common theme of architecture, but that is not directly stated. I feel that this is not the best example of a project to help a student create one on their own.
Come Together NYC
Just like “Final Project”, there is no brief overview before any of the landmarks were listed. As a result, it makes it much more difficult to see what links everything together. If I had to guess a common trait in all of the listed places, I would say it emphasizes on art or décor in New York. This is an effective model as the author goes into great detail describing the places he has selected.
Modern Gomorrah
Modern Gomorrah is all about the arts. It highlights film, music, art (more specifically paintings), and even the art in the creation of food. The author has long descriptive passages for each and every location, and even went as far as to make specific symbols relating to each location and where it exists on the map. The author made this very easy to follow, and because of that this is a great example of this project.
Natalie Roche - Mapping the Local
May 4, 2011
Writing 1133
1. D.I.Y. New York City Project
This person's project revolved around D.I.Y. events going on in New York City, and their evolvement with them. They went into great detail about each event, and not only took pictures and described them, but showed their support as well. They quoted the people and websites when they could. They also used a great deal of description to describe the atmosphere of the event, as if they recalled everything. I think this is really crucial when writing a report and something I can also include in whatever direction our project takes. I think it's convenient and creative to have your information spread out on a map of where you were and what you did there. Even if it is part of the project, it's organized and fun, and gives you a great sense of what was done there. The pictures are a nice visual aid as well. It gives it a brochure feel, like they're influencing you to go out and do this for yourself.
2. Final Project by Hope Marion
Hope's final project is the same Google Maps format but revolves more around specific locations, as opposed to events that were performed there. The lacks the same images but still goes into great detail about what this establishment provides. They discuss what it is and what it looks like, specifically, the architecture, the art, the foliage, and the languages spoken. They speak about it from their perspective, what they observed, and seem to leave in all details in recounting their event. They get as much information as they can about the area. The group combined what the establishment had on their own with their research and opinions.
3. Come Together NYC
Like the first group, these people's project took place in New York City. I think they did a good job, like the first group, of describing specific events that took place and being really detailed, not missing a point about what occurred. They also did a really nice job of singling out that place in a certain way by discussing its unique features. They did not have as many different events, but still had a wide variety revolving around multiple aspects of the culture. The talked about food, art, fundraisers and responses, as well as music. I think choosing a variety of events is important if you're going to have a broad topic like art or culture or music. I don't know what my topic will be yet, but it's something I hope to duplicate in my own research.
4. Modern Gomorrah
The last one came across as really unique to me. I think they focused on a lot of different emotions that they experienced in their studies and research. Though they were also studying culture in New York, they went from a multitude of places like Broadway Loft and Presbyterian Church. One was a place where she was there, partying with a bunch of others, but then obviously the church had a more calming atmosphere. I think it's really crucial to exam a multitude of areas, and then also be able to report back about them using different tones, which is what was accomplished here. I think all of the groups did a nice job, but this is the one that stands out the most to me because of its complexity and detail put into the research. Each group had their own points that stood out to me and could be useful in the final product of a project.
c. What is the overall sense you get of the project?
I got the sense that the New York is filled with people who are out to make life in the city entertaining by creating events, which everyone can participate in. This had a general entertainment theme combined with participation.
d. Is this possibly an effective model for you?
I find this model a bit chaotic and not knowing what my project will be I’m not sure it will work, it does do a good job of laying out the different events.
Final Project
c. What is the overall sense you get of the project?
This project seems much more academic as the most places were quite establishments with some background history, which are seen as being more respected.
d. Is this possibly an effective model for you?
IT could be since I find histories and being a food critic.
Come Together NYC.
c. What is the overall sense you get of the project?
Its overall theme was dealing with unique arts in NYC and was very descriptive.
d. Is this possibly an effective model for you?
Yes, dealt with a specific theme of art, which was easy, to connect as al events and locations were definitely art related.
Modern Godot
c. What is the overall sense you get of the project?
This seemed to have a very specific religious theme all though it was able to throw in spaces which could be related to religion.
d. Is this possibly an effective model for you?
If I were to chose a very broad them this would be the way to go as it seems it flows nicely.
D.I.Y. New York City
This project is examining D.I.Y. (whatever that stands for) cultural hot spots throughout New York City. The author does a great job of explaining what type of activities occur at each of these hot spots and clearly illustrates their locations on the map.
This is a very effective model because the format is very clear and easy to follow. I feel that formatting my essay in this way will be very effective. I like how this essay has an introduction before all of the locations around the city.
Final Project by Hope Marion
This project is examining many different locations around Manhattan. However, the author never says that and thus it is very confusing for the reader. I am having a very hard time figuring out what exactly this author’s purpose is because she never really says it.
This project is not very effective because it has no intro, never says what it is examining, and doesn’t even state the location. Because of these reasons, I don’t feel that I can apply much of this project to my own.
Come Together NYC
This project is examining many different cultural phenomena around New York City. It examines Studio Art, Music, Restaurants, Crafts, and Public Art. The project illustrates various locations around the city where one is able to encounter these phenomena.
This is also an effective model for my project. However, I do not like how this project does not have an intro because it does not come out and say what it is about.
Modern Gomorrah
This project seems to be searching for counter-religious locations throughout Manhattan. The author describes many people and events that have taken a stance against religion. He also describes an Indian restaurant, which seems like doesn’t fit in with the rest of the locations.
This project is effective but was difficult to make out the topic right away. I think I will definitely have an introduction before I list any locations because I want my readers to clearly know what to expect and what to look for when reading my project.
Writing on maps- Sara Ach
The overall sense I got from the project was that it was detailed and thorough. I could tell that the author did spend a lot of time planning and researching, and it was clear she picked the sites that she did for a reason. They were all spread out around New York, which again showed that the author did her research. I enjoyed the theme of the project, as well, and specifically loved that with every different spot I clicked on, there were multiple different pictures of magnificent art that showed some of the culture that she was talking about. I also liked that she wrote an excerpt before all of the labels, just to give an overview of the project instead of jumping into each location.
This model could possibly be effective for me, but while I did like and enjoy it, I feel like it is a better model for studying an entire city, and not for mapping out small areas like we will be doing.
Project 2:
This project seemed to look much more at famous, more mainstream places than the previous one did. The places were not as spread out, and while the author clearly spent time researching the history of them, I felt as though because they were all famous places, it somehow became a little less interesting. While that subject is intreging, and there were many interesting facts in the project, I did not enjoy it as much, as I felt like I did not get an overview of New York, but rather famous places in a certain part of New York, Manhatten.
I did enjoy the layout she presented on the side, it was very clear and organized and made it easy for me to navegate, a technique that I think would be useful for me to incorperate into my project.
Project 3:
While it was clear the author did his or her work, I enjoyed this project less. It did not have an overview before all of the different spaces we could look at, so I came to it and automatically became disengaged, as there was no way of telling what the overall topic of this project was. The author did of course spend much time on this, as can be seen in the detailed descriptions of each place, but once again without the overview of it, it was automatically less interesting to me.
I feel like this model would be a less effective model than the first one.
Project 4:
This project seemed to be pretty similar to all of the other ones to me, except for the layout if it. Instead of using the markers that google maps automatically gives to him or her, the author changed them to be images that fit with the place he was marking and writing about. I enjoyed this, and although it did make it a little harder to find on the map, it was a great way engage the reader and allow them to chose what they want to look at without having to go back and forth between the map and the side legend. That part of the model would be very effective for, I believe. This map was similar to the first one, as they were both investigating the arts, and it showed as they both listed a couple of the same places. I still enjoyed it, and liked that it was spread out over all of NYC and not just one section of it.
Rachel Richard_Understanding Mapping Resources
After looking at the project on New York by Cristina Narrcarato, I can see that what her purpose was for this project was to draw attention to the artsy and cultural areas of New York and to demonstrate the importance of these places. These places bring in populations of people of all different cultures. Christina states, “Without D.I.Y aesthetics the counter culture movement would not be possible.
This map could be useful to my project in order to observe different areas and not just one area to receive more results. For example I my group were to do coffee shops, we would observe many different coffee shops to understand the different atmospheres that draw the crowd in more.
Final Project
In Marion Hope’s project, she researched the top places that are visited in New York City. These places do not so much represent the touristy places in New York City, but the places that are basically lived in to the domestic New Yorkers.
With Marion’s project in mind, I would be able to understand how to research a place before going to it and finding the history linking it today and why it is such a visited area.
Come Together NYC
In “Come Together NYC” the author creates a picture of the five different places in New York City where there are always people. These are places where people are interacting and having a good time. Most people who do not know each other initially will get into conversation and most likely begin a friendship. These places are what hold the greater majority of New Yorkers and make them feel comfortable. For example in Central Park, this is one of the largest parks that attracts several hundreds of people to it each day. People may spend all day in the park playing, running, sun bathing, and many other activities that draw in a crowd.
This Mapping Resource is a good example of looking for the top places to go in a city and writing about how and why they are so important and so popular to the vast majority of that city.
Modern Gomorrah
Similarly to the top two projects this mapping resource discusses top places to see in New York City, however, the author gives a reference that he is writing about the arts. Overall this becomes a major theme in the mapping resources project of these students.
This mapping resource was helpful for allowing me to understand the choosing process that my group must go through in order to pick very specific places for where we want to observe.
Jeff Elliott: Mapping the local, In class
This project seemed to be displaying places where people can find counter culture within New York City. I like how he showed the location for these counter-culture events on Google maps and then wrote about them explaining them and providing pictures.
This could be an effective model for me if I choose something cultural that has many locations and a following I can write about.
Final Project by Hope Marion
This particular project was a little confusing in that I couldn’t really get a sense of what she was studying. It just seemed like she picked a few places in New York City and wrote about them.
This model wouldn’t work for me because It’s confusing in its lack of a purpose for mapping out the places on the map.
Come Together NYC
This project worked to map out places with a collaborative atmosphere. I got the sense from this through some of the location choices, as well as the title.
However, this does not seem like it will fit well with me because with something like this I feel like there needs to be writing to explain why the locations were chosen.
Modern Gomorrah
This project was a mapping of the arts within the city. One of the key aspects of it is it’s emphasis on counter culture arts. This person did in-depth observations and interviews.
This could be an effective model for me but I would still like to include a paragraph or two explaining what I was studying. That way people get a sense of what is actually in the map itself and what to expect.