Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Howe_In Class_Portfolio Intro

Dear reader,
Throughout my freshman year, I dreaded going through the ‘WRIT’ class sequence. I had always considered myself somewhat of a mediocre writer and was not excited to be scrutinized by what I thought were limitations of my abilities as a writer. To my surprise I am coming out of the class with a new mind set on writing as a whole. The first project assigned focused on textual based research in which I chose the topic of Nuclear Power in the Colorado area. My audience being college-graduates who actively vote in Colorado was chosen because my goal was to attempt to present unbiased research showing the actual benefits and dangers of nuclear power.
The second project was a qualitative research project which I again focused on nuclear power. This time I created research of my own through interviewing University of Denver students in an attempt to get a grasp about their general feelings about the power source and how outside influences have affected their opinions. I learned how to properly conduct research and use the IMRaD format to explain my research methodology and reasons behind my research.
The third project was from a prior Writ class in which the theme of the class was rhetoric through the power of remix. For this assignment we were instructed to take an original piece of writing and remix it to change the rhetorical situation to our liking and eventually change the entire meaning of the writing. I chose a highly liberal article written by a notoriously left-winged journalist and changed the writer the be Bill O’Rielly. This changed the whole work and meaning.

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