Monday, April 25, 2011

Ryan Biondo - Process Draft

Religion is a subject that I have considered for very much most of my life. My parents and all my family before them have been devout Catholics. I began to wonder, after years of catholic practice, if I was truly believing in the religion. Certainly the Catholic church in it's most basic values, value peace, honesty, justice, and spirituality, and these are certainly values of my own. I felt like I understood the processes of morality and spirituality for myself, and that the Catholic church kept me from fully experiencing life. But my parents continued to force me into religious education classes and church on Sundays, even if I tried to choose otherwise. Now that I have created a distance between my parents and I, I have been able to freely explore the beliefs that I believe more identify with me, like Satanism, Zen Buddhism, Hinduism, and Atheism. The point of learning from other beliefs, is to gain more understanding of the entire human perspective, and help myself. I want to see how other people have changed their views (or not) since leaving their families and coming to DU.

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