Monday, April 25, 2011

Bao Le - Process Draft

Dear Reader,

This essay was meant to examine the benefits or costs of not having a student center at DU. I approached this essay with the idea that DU’s students have coped with not having a student center but was relatively unsure about whether this was detrimental or not to student life in general. My main point is to come to a conclusion as to whether a more traditional student center is needed at DU or not.

This topic has always been interesting to me as a commuter student. There simply is no designated place for students to spend their times outside of classrooms or dorms at DU. So to gather information on to what other students think, I’ve designed a questionnaire to ask my fellow students: Where do they spend their time and why?

I’ve used this data plus the data from my observations as to where the largest population of students gathers outside of classrooms to see whether students have created their own makeshift student center locations. The combination of this data should allow me to see if students exhibit a need for a student center or not.

Bao Le

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Le Sir,
    After reading your first draft of the process note, I have a few comments that I would like to share with you. First of all, this is a great topic. I had never really thought about student centers. I am aware that other schools have them but I didn’t really consider why we don’t. Do other private schools that are about our size have them? Maybe this is something to include in the intro because the schools you use as examples are much larger than DU and they are also state schools. I also found your note very clear. For example, I know exactly what your topic is and why you chose it. I would suggest however, that you include the definition of a student center in your note. Maybe be more specific then saying we need a place to spend our time. Is this academic, social, or free time? I know you describe a student center and its purpose in your intro of your paper and adding this in the process note would also be helpful. I also find it interesting that you have examined the locations that students have used as “makeshift student centers” In your opinion are these enough? Finally, maybe you should explain how you will determine whether the absence of a student center is a problem or not based in student feedback to the questions you have chosen. In your note you say that you will ask students about where they spend their time (im guessing social or free time?), how will this answer your topic question? I hope you find these tips helpful,
    Good luck with the rest of the paper and please have a splendid day,
    Adrianna Romero


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