Monday, April 25, 2011

Kevin Boutilier process draft

Dear Reader

I intend to research how the bicycle industry has changed over the recent years. Technology in bicycles has changed drastically over the past few years in bikes of all categories. People have had increasing concern for environmental safety and their impact on the environment, and I intend to investigate how this has influenced the bike industry as well as the consumer. Concerns of gas prices have likely also affected the public’s view on biking. By conducting interviews and observations, I will investigate what motivates people to choose to travel by bike, and how the bike industry has changed as a result.

1 comment:

  1. Helped Kevin develop his idea for his research paper and how he would go about researching his topic. Although his process letter is short it gets the reader right to the point about what his paper will discuss and how he will go about doing the research. Since the initial draft of his paper has yet to be started Kevin's focus right now is developing his research instruments and conducting his research.


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