Monday, April 25, 2011

Process Draft- Alex Fredrickson

Dear Reader,
In this essay I intent to explore the topic of diversity here at the University of Denver. I want to discern the majority opinion on how DU is dealing with diversity in both the classroom and the overall environment of DU. I intend to have this paper read by both DU students and hopefully the University of Denver administration and CME (Center for Multicultural Excellence). I would like to show the administration that they are dealing with diversity at the University of Denver ineffectively in hopes that change will allow for a more cohesive learning environment here at DU. This topic is very important to me and to any students here at the University of Denver as diversity effects our education which is something that I am very serious about.
I plan to both inform you about diversity here at DU (a basic breakdown of the population here at DU along with the mission statement of the CME) and then ask questions along the lines of: How well do you think that DU as well as the CME has upheld this mission statement? What do you think is the best way for DU students to experience diversity? And: What do you find to be the advantages of experiencing a diverse campus (if any)?
In order to get a more qualitative response, I plan on asking participants follow up questions based on their answer to the main interview questions. I hope to figure out what they see as the pros and cons of diversity on our education here at DU.

-Alexander Fredrickson

1 comment:

  1. Overall it was very a good process note. I felt that you did a good job of clearly presenting an interesting topic. I felt that your explanation of your audience and why you are interested in the topic were solid, specific and relatable. I believe that by demonstrating its importance to you and your community helps to build a connection between you and your audience which makes it easy to engage with. I further feel that you effectively build your credibility by referring to the CME and their mission statement. I felt that this built your credibility as it shows you are educated and serious about the topic.

    However, I felt that you could have included more detail and been more specific in your question. I feel it could have been improved if you expanded on what specific questions you planed to ask, who you wished to target, and how you planned to administer your research. I also felt you could possibly be more direct and specific with your research question. It is a good topic, but you could possibly be more specific in some of the terminology you use. For example, what type of diversity are you referring to? Racial, cultural, ideological?

    Overall though I felt that it was a solid draft and a good plan for your work.


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