Monday, April 25, 2011

Process Note Draft - Parker Roe

When I was choosing colleges I knew I wanted a school with a vibrant, exciting, and prominent Greek atmosphere. It is one of the things that was important to me; however, it is increasingly difficult to find accurate information in regards to Greek life at every school, and that is why I have chosen to conduct a study that will demonstrate how the Greeks at DU compare to the Greeks on a national level.

In this study I compiled a qualitative research questionnaire compiled of ten questions for Greek members and non-Greek students at the University of Denver. The questions aim to separate the Greeks from the non-Greeks and then observe how their opinions on hazing, alcohol consumption, overall student body perception of Greek life, perception of philanthropic work, and comparison to Greek life on a national scale compare and contrast. Setting the Greeks apart from the Non-Greeks in this study is crucial in determining an accurate understanding of my research question because, as Cheryl Drout, in her article “Attitudes towards fraternity hazing among Fraternity member, Sorority members, and Non-Greek Students” and Alan DeSantis, in his book, “Inside Greek U.: Fraternities, Sororities, and the Pursuit of Pleasure, Power, and Prestige” both demonstrate within their work, that Greeks and Non-Greeks tend to yield differing opinions on Greek life as a whole.

It is my hypothesis that students at the University of Denver, judging by personal experience and observation, will tend to agree that Greek life is vibrant and exciting, and in certain areas maintains an “Animal House” style, but overall is not its poster child, and that overall it is not as wild as popular media manifests it to be.

1 comment:

  1. 1. Parker explains why he wants to research this topic and clearly states in his starting introduction what he will be discussing and addressing in his paper. He has already found good sources to provide evidence to his hypothesis: “that students at the University of Denver, judging by personal experience and observation, will tend to agree that Greek life is vibrant and exciting, and in certain areas maintains an “Animal House” style, but overall is not its poster child, and that overall it is not as wild as popular media manifests it to be.” Furthermore, Parker provides good insight for his reader on how he is going to construct his research on his study. It is precise, detailed, and straight to the point. He needs to make sure that he conducts his research correctly and anonymously. In addition, to student he could interview alumni greek members here on campus. Although he has beginning sources, he needs to make sure he accumulates more throughout his research.

    2. His introduction and beginning body paragraphs clearly follow what his process note promised to cover. The diction used is concise with his audience he is trying to reach. He provides more sources that backs up his claim with evidence and facts. His method could use a little more detail in what the final outcome will be and how he got their. His draft is on the right track to successfully stating his point and providing qualitative research through primary and secondary sources.


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