Monday, April 25, 2011

Chris Martin Process Draft

Dear Reader,

This essay is a qualitative study performed on the University of Denver student body. I believe that at the University of Denver, that many students do not follow the DU drug policy. I have personally observed the policy being broken and I believe that a major part of it is what the policy entails. Living in a city like Denver, means students are exposed to a variety medical marijuana offices and dispensaries. I truly believe that this has a profound effect on how University of Denver students view drug use and the drug policy. Many students are in possession of a medical marijuana license, yet still cannot utilize their medication on the campus. The true purpose of this study is to discover what factors affect the student’s perception of the drug policy and if the setting of Denver, CO has anything to do with it.

I picked a topic like DU’s drug policy because of its relevance to our campus and city. The city of Denver has been very progressive in its medical marijuana legalization and going to a University nearly surrounded by medical marijuana dispensaries can be influential among the student body. This topic also provides insight to the population of DU and the perception of Denver’s medical marijuana as well. Also, this can exemplify the nature of the “normal DU” student, and their perception of the city and the school.

1 comment:

  1. Chris,
    I think that your reasoning of studying theDU drug policy is clearly stated and very detailed. You present multiple reasons of why the issue is so prevalent and that you have seen in first hand. However, in this process draft, you do not clearly state how your draft flows. What i mean by this, is that you do not state what is said in your introduction or the rest of your body. The content of the paper seems very strong, but it wasn't states how it was organized in the process draft.
    After reading Chris's draft, it was evident that what was stated in the the process draft was all prevalent in his working essay. however, the information was not presented in the same order or same manner. Chris defends his view of the students opinion of the drug policy and clearly states his purposes of the essay


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