Monday, April 25, 2011

Process Draft Liza Veysikh

Dear Reader,
This essay is about a qualitative study on the effectiveness of water conservation initiatives in Colorado. I discuss previous research in order to have background on recent water conservation and programs and how, overall, water conservation was implemented throughout last couple of years. The essay should be informative concerning water conservation initiatives in Colorado and evaluative (to decide if the conservation initiatives in Colorado are effective. The purpose of this essay to give primary information from a Water Conservation Board about conservation initiatives and conservation planning and conclude based on that research. The readers are probably all people who are faced with water scarcity problems in Colorado and all other local water providers because they have to become conscious of “using only what you need” to conserve water. I want people to become aware of water conservation initiatives and distinguish between the helpful, non-profit organizations and organizations or programs that do not promote water conservation.

I am interested in this topic because water conservation is a very important part of our life in Colorado and all of us need to do small things in order to prolong water supply for the future of our generation. I began by researching some of the programs that Denver Water has implemented and discussed the plans of the Statewide Water Supply Initiative and the Colorado Water Conservation Board. I then conducted my research by interviewing Kevin Reidy, a State Water Conservation Specialist at the Colorado Water Conservation Board. He handles most of the planning of water in Colorado. He told me about what kind of water conservation planning they do at the Board, about their current projects at the state-level and he also told me about his opinions of the major water companies in Colorado.

I think right now my letter matches up with the essay but I still haven’t finished the essay.
Peer revisions and class activities helped me understand how to write the Review of Literature and how to structure this essay. Peer revisions helped me understand specific areas I need to work on.

Liza Veysikh

1 comment:

  1. This process note clearly states the purpose of the research conducted. Liza is going to study Colorado’s efficiency regarding water conservation. Using background information from scholarly sources, and her interview with a credible, State Water Conservation Specialist, Liza will analyze how to best conserve water. It is unclear the structure of how the essay will be organized but the thesis is clear, and she will follow proper IRB regulations as well as the IMRD format for the research paper.
    The phrasing of the reflection of audience to the paper needs to be worded little differently, maybe with more conviction. Also, in the paper Liza may want to go into detail of how to be conscious, without assuming that the reader knows how to effectively conserve water.
    The process note gives a clear outline to the paper, but there needs to be more development before a reader could fully analyze the effectiveness of the writing. For the most part though, the process note covers all topics under the thesis, but the actual paper is still in draft form.


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