Monday, April 25, 2011

Adrianna Romero_Process Draft

Dear Reader,

The main purpose of this essay is to examine the knowledge that several DU students have regarding its policy on the use of medical marijuana and then have them state their opinion of said policy. The audience of this essay is not only the DU student population but also the administration that enforces the policy and is in charge of educating the students about it.

The first part of the essay is to inform readers about the existing marijuana policy on campus as well as some of Colorado’s statewide policies. Because these two guidelines are very different, I mention why this may be and how DU students are expected to act. The second part of the essay is made up of a research survey that I conducted and the results of it.

My investigation was initially about the amount of DU students that owned a medical marijuana card and still chose to use it on campus despite the policy and why. After reviewing the project with my supervisor I was reminded that this type of investigation was not appropriate for class work. The research questions for this investigation would be incriminating to the students therefore I changed my angle in the topic. I then chose to see how many students had a medical marijuana license and how they felt about the policy. The goal was to find a correlation between those who had a license and their feelings on the policy. During my research period I found that most students were not even aware of the current medical marijuana policy on the DU campus. This brought up some interesting discussion topics for m y conclusion in which I present possible solutions for the lack of knowledge of the policy.

1 comment:

  1. Adrianna,

    Your process note very clearly states who your target audiences are but not the reasons that you had for choosing it. Your research is about student’s feelings towards a policy but you say that you will use the data to see if there needs to be more awareness of the policies. Since you only were made aware of the lack of knowledge about the policy concerning marijuana usage through your research, I think it might be valid to come up with some follow up questions regarding awareness. What you had in your intro correlates that you are more interested in promoting awareness than to find out about student opinions on the policy. While it might be late, I think it might be prudent to present your data in a way that reflects this topic change.

    However on a positive note, the topic is very interesting and your introduction does well to reflect the necessity of this awareness.


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