Monday, April 25, 2011

Process Draft-Zach Baca

In this essay, I will be discussing the topic of, College students. I want t know why these people come to college; Namely the men in my fraternity. I asked these men because I feel like they of any other group of people here at DU they have the biggest sense of why they are here. The purpose is purely educational; I just want to learn more about why people do the things that they do. College is one of those things that most people think about but fewer actually do. I want to show more reasons for going to college other than getting a good job and my parents made me. I hope to find out the real reasons that students come to college. I narrowed it down to my fraternity because interviewing a whole 10,000 people would be too difficult to do. I believe the readers of my paper are people who want to learn more about their peers; and or professors who think that fraternity men are just here to party. Not one person said that they are here to get drunk everyday. Independence, education, and making a career is what they want to get out of college. I was wondering one day about who everyone was when he was in high school i.e. the jock, the stoner, the badass etc. Then I started thinking about why they decided to come to DU. Then I started thinking, it would be easy to write a paper on this topic. Then I could interview the people in my fraternity, the people who I spend the most time with. I could learn about my brothers and do homework at the same time.


  1. Zachariah,

    I like how you discussed your thought process at the end of your note, because it is a very good hook in that is genuine when you are talking about getting your homework done easily and still being able to get to know your brothers at the same time. It comes off well. However, I would work a little more on the beginning. I think the first sentence is kind of unnecessary; you could combine it with the second sentence pretty easily. Also, I would go more into why you think your brothers are know why they are here more/better than anyone else here. Also, maybe discuss why you thought your fraternity was a good size sample and why they are a good representation of students’ peers besides that they are any easy sample for you to access. I don’t think you need to go into what their answers were at all yet, just because it’s only the process note. But again, great job with the thought process, after all that is what it is supposed to be about, just edit a bit like proofreading-wise and then you might also want to think about talking about what purpose this could have for other people besides yourself. That is, you are just plain curious on why people come, but for other people who are struggling with there like direction in life, blah blah blah, this could help them reconsider a few things in their lives. That is just one way to approach it though. Good stuff though, and great start on your paper!


  2. Hey sorry I forgot one thing. Your grasp of the stereotypes is spot on, like the to get a good job or my parents made me. You should go into more depth about it though, just like a sentence or two talking about like why those are not the only reasons and the ramifications of the world outside of campus thinking that is the only reason we are here.



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