Monday, April 25, 2011

Elliott Process Note

Dear Reader,

This paper is designed to bring to mind the issue that is under-aged drinking. I wrote this paper with the fact in mind that many freshman at DU are currently drinking illegally. The audience of this paper are students at DU as well as falculty and administrators who deal with teen drinking.
The first part of my essay is an introduction to the issue that is teen drinking. I mention fake ID’s and the issues with the legal drinking age. This has always been an interesting topic for me because it is something that is relevant and has always been an issue in America. I designed a questionnaire to ask my peers and to get their opinions on this issue.
My research was first designed to ask whether or not students are drinking illegally, however, this is against ethical research policies so I changed my questionnaire to ask peoples opinions on the matter. During my research I found that many students are of the opinion that the drinking age should be lowered. This was something I expected and something my research showed to be true.

Thank you,

Jeff Elliott

1 comment:

  1. Jeff,
    This piece does a good job of explaining what the purpose of your paper i and how your research was conducted.More detail would be helpful to explain how underage drinking affects those participating.I would possibly go into more detail about how your questions were able to be as effective as the less ethical questions. I would also talk more about your results and possibly identify other finding besides the general consensus that the drinking age should be lowered. Lastly, I would talk about in what way the issue of underage drinking has come up in current news and media.


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