Monday, April 25, 2011

James Howe- Process Draft

Dear Reader,

This essay is made to help point out the benefits of nuclear energy and to build awareness of the safety and efficiency of this energy source. The research is designed to show how uneducated students at DU are about nuclear power. The questions are designed to test the energy knowledge of its participants and get the general idea of students’ opinion on the energy. It will also gain input on the proposed nuclear power plant that was to be built in Pueblo, CO. I also plan for it to see if there is a trend between support for nuclear power before and after the accidents with the power plants in Japan after the tsunami.

My essay contains an introduction that explains my hypothesis and the general idea behind my paper. Next there is a methods section which describes the way my research was conducted and the strategies used, here I will bring up other research that is similar to my own. Finally, there is a results section that gives my findings through my research followed by a discussion of my hypothesis and my actual results along with any surprising findings. Finishing the essay I will have a conclusion summarizing my essay as a whole.


James Howe

1 comment:

  1. James,
    Your topic seems a bit unclear to me. From my understanding it seems as though you want to look at how uneducated people are about nuclear energy, but also look at opinions on the nuclear plant proposed for Pueblo and the opinions after the incident in Japan. What are your predictions? What are you hypothesizing? Are you trying to show a correlation between two things or just look for opinions? It seems to me that you are trying to focus on too many topics at once. Maybe consider picking one of the three mentioned above instead of all three.

    The language is use is good but I feel like instead of saying DU, you should say the University of Denver since your readers may not know what DU is.

    From your rough draft, you seem to be on the right track. I feel as long as your further your ideas and help hone your topic, you process note and your draft will go well together.

    -Corey Walkovitz


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