Wednesday, May 4, 2011

In-Class Project 3 example reflection - Martin Corral

D.I.Y. New York-

c. This project is not very clear, it is clearly focused on D.I.Y, however, seems to side track away from the main topic. Perhaps the biggest problem is that they do not define D.I.Y. in the introduction. I assume it means Do it yourself, however, what do concerts have to do with this?

d. This is not an effective model for me because it seems to not have a correlation, or does not do a good job of describing the main idea.

Final Project –

c. This project had no introduction; it only had several points of interest. Without an introduction, it becomes a burden for the reader to have to skim through each point, correlate them to find the meaning and return to read in depth.

d. This project was also not effective because it was missing such a core component as the introduction. I feel that if the writer had implemented an introduction this project would have been more successful.

Come together NYC –

c. This project also was missing an introduction. Luckily this project at least had a descriptive title to base off of. The idea is implied that the different POI are different aspects of NYC coming together to give you a feel for what this community is like.

d. This was a more effective model, however, I still don’t see why there was no introduction, without it, the project is a series of information, there is no piece to tie all of its meaning together.

Modern Gomorrah –

c. Yet another project without an introduction. The author was also competent enough to use a title to relate the information that the introduction should have. The piece is comparing the biblical city of Gomorrah to NYC through various aspects.

d. This model was very effective, I have a deeper understanding of what this project should look like, however, also have gained an appreciation for the importance of an introduction.

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