Wednesday, May 4, 2011

thomas_mapping the local_in-class

DIY New York City
This project seems to explore the cultural and artistic venues of New York City. It goes into depth describing numerous cultural highlights such as music venues, festivals, and art museums. The project not only provides descriptions and opinions about these points of interest, but also provides pictures and quotes. Further, the project seems to place a heavy, though not necessarily exclusive, emphasis on counter-culture work.
I feel as if this is a good model to follow in my own work because of the amount of depth it goes into with each venue, and the way this information is presented. Overall I found it to be a fairly effective project.

Final Project
This project seemed weaker and less clear than the above project. It seemed to be exploring major points of interest through out New York City, though it appeared to lack a strong, interesting, central theme. The creator of the project described each site using both background information, and his/her own experiences. However, this project lacked any of the pictures or other multimedia aspects that can be found in other projects
Overall I found this project to be less effective than others, and would not be my model for future work. However, the personal experiences and lengthy descriptions do offer some merit that could be followed.

Come Together New York City
This project maps out various artistic settings across New York City. It seems to posses a heavy emphasis on public and unprofessional art. It provides numerous pictures and even a video for one location. I felt that this was one of the stronger examples, as it possessed an interesting and present central theme and showed strong background research. It also was very effective in its presentation of the work.

Modern Gomorrah
This project again concentrated heavily on the arts and their influence on the city. It included in depth research, personal experiences, and descriptions of each venue. I found it very easy to follow, engaging and effective. I found this to be one of the better models to follow for future work.

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