Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Messina_Mapping the Local_In-class

1. D.I.Y. New York City Project

This project is about the D.I.Y. activities that are going on in NYC, and how they interacted with them. They author’s main focus of this project was the focus on the artistry. I thought overall this project was well done. With the author taking interesting pictures of each event, as well as writing about each one in good detail. You could tell that she did spend a lot of time at each event and really got a good sense of each location. From going to fairs, to book stores, I feel the author covered a wide range of locations that covered the theme of uncovering the underground artistic culture that is submersed in the city.

2. Final Project
This project covers a museum of art, church, library, and a bookstore. This project focused on places that were not really spread out, and did not really focus on one general theme, just touched on the history of each location mainly. You could tell that each place was certainly researched well by the author. I do feel like this model is effective because it shows an example of how the author did look in depth about the history of each location before actually really actually visiting it. I do feel that there should have been pictures though for each location in order to prove that the author actually went their and expierenced it for herself.

3. Come Together NYC

This project was also set in NYC and is quite similar to the first project with focusing on the culture of the given locations. It covered the general themes of art, music, and food. You could tell that this project was also well researched and did touch on the history of the locations much like the second project. I do fell that this model is effective because you could tell that the author was focusing on the main theme of great culture that is in NYC. From the vivid photos that really do capture the artistic culture in the city, to the detailed description of each site, I feel that this project was also quite well written.

4. Modern Gomorrah

In the last project I do like how the author used the pictures that relate to each location instead of using the standard little thumbtacks that Google maps provide for you. The main theme of this project appears to be counter culture and religion. You could tell that the author did conduct in-depth interviews and observations about each location. Overall, I do feel that this project is effective because it shows you first off that you can be creative with using the pictures as thumb tabs, as well as the lengthy well written descriptions about each site.

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