Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Rachel Richard_Understanding Mapping Resources

D.I.Y New York City
After looking at the project on New York by Cristina Narrcarato, I can see that what her purpose was for this project was to draw attention to the artsy and cultural areas of New York and to demonstrate the importance of these places. These places bring in populations of people of all different cultures. Christina states, “Without D.I.Y aesthetics the counter culture movement would not be possible.
This map could be useful to my project in order to observe different areas and not just one area to receive more results. For example I my group were to do coffee shops, we would observe many different coffee shops to understand the different atmospheres that draw the crowd in more.

Final Project
In Marion Hope’s project, she researched the top places that are visited in New York City. These places do not so much represent the touristy places in New York City, but the places that are basically lived in to the domestic New Yorkers.
With Marion’s project in mind, I would be able to understand how to research a place before going to it and finding the history linking it today and why it is such a visited area.

Come Together NYC
In “Come Together NYC” the author creates a picture of the five different places in New York City where there are always people. These are places where people are interacting and having a good time. Most people who do not know each other initially will get into conversation and most likely begin a friendship. These places are what hold the greater majority of New Yorkers and make them feel comfortable. For example in Central Park, this is one of the largest parks that attracts several hundreds of people to it each day. People may spend all day in the park playing, running, sun bathing, and many other activities that draw in a crowd.
This Mapping Resource is a good example of looking for the top places to go in a city and writing about how and why they are so important and so popular to the vast majority of that city.

Modern Gomorrah
Similarly to the top two projects this mapping resource discusses top places to see in New York City, however, the author gives a reference that he is writing about the arts. Overall this becomes a major theme in the mapping resources project of these students.
This mapping resource was helpful for allowing me to understand the choosing process that my group must go through in order to pick very specific places for where we want to observe.

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