Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Natalie Roche - Mapping the Local

Natalie Roche
May 4, 2011
Writing 1133


1. D.I.Y. New York City Project

This person's project revolved around D.I.Y. events going on in New York City, and their evolvement with them. They went into great detail about each event, and not only took pictures and described them, but showed their support as well. They quoted the people and websites when they could. They also used a great deal of description to describe the atmosphere of the event, as if they recalled everything. I think this is really crucial when writing a report and something I can also include in whatever direction our project takes. I think it's convenient and creative to have your information spread out on a map of where you were and what you did there. Even if it is part of the project, it's organized and fun, and gives you a great sense of what was done there. The pictures are a nice visual aid as well. It gives it a brochure feel, like they're influencing you to go out and do this for yourself.

2. Final Project by Hope Marion

Hope's final project is the same Google Maps format but revolves more around specific locations, as opposed to events that were performed there. The lacks the same images but still goes into great detail about what this establishment provides. They discuss what it is and what it looks like, specifically, the architecture, the art, the foliage, and the languages spoken. They speak about it from their perspective, what they observed, and seem to leave in all details in recounting their event. They get as much information as they can about the area. The group combined what the establishment had on their own with their research and opinions.

3. Come Together NYC

Like the first group, these people's project took place in New York City. I think they did a good job, like the first group, of describing specific events that took place and being really detailed, not missing a point about what occurred. They also did a really nice job of singling out that place in a certain way by discussing its unique features. They did not have as many different events, but still had a wide variety revolving around multiple aspects of the culture. The talked about food, art, fundraisers and responses, as well as music. I think choosing a variety of events is important if you're going to have a broad topic like art or culture or music. I don't know what my topic will be yet, but it's something I hope to duplicate in my own research.

4. Modern Gomorrah

The last one came across as really unique to me. I think they focused on a lot of different emotions that they experienced in their studies and research. Though they were also studying culture in New York, they went from a multitude of places like Broadway Loft and Presbyterian Church. One was a place where she was there, partying with a bunch of others, but then obviously the church had a more calming atmosphere. I think it's really crucial to exam a multitude of areas, and then also be able to report back about them using different tones, which is what was accomplished here. I think all of the groups did a nice job, but this is the one that stands out the most to me because of its complexity and detail put into the research. Each group had their own points that stood out to me and could be useful in the final product of a project.

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