Monday, May 9, 2011

Mazurek In Class 5/9

Paul Simon:

Simon talks about sticking with an idea until you get right. While writing is never perfect, this is great advice because it is good to work and rework an idea until you are satisfied with it. With only one attempt at a project there are often issues with word choice and fluency. However, after multiple attempts at getting a paragraph, a line, or even a single word right, you are able to make the connection that you have been trying to make and you can be satisfied with your work. This is advice that I will definitely apply to my draft.

Tim Burton:

Burton talks about setting time aside to just sit and think or doodle. This is important advice because often our best ideas come from stepping back from the project and just letting life happen. In my writing, stress comes when I attempt to force a topic. I will sit in front of my computer for hours attempting to force inspiration but all I end up doing is wasting time and stressing myself out even more. In times like this it is important to take a break and put your topic in the back of your mind. Often when doing this, life will provide the inspiration that you had been searching for. This is advice that I use in all of my writing and will continue to use throughout this project.

Lupe Fiasco:

Fiasco talks about writing in steps. He discusses how he writes a little bit and then goes back and reviews what he has written before he moves on. This is very helpful advice because looking back before moving forward helps you to stay on topic by reminding you what you were trying to say when you started. This is another tactic that I often use in my writing and will continue to use throughout this project.

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