Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Mark Meziere -- In Class Assignment #1

1) Reading like a writer involves much more questioning and analyzing than reading for other classes requires. When reading like a writer you must constantly be wondering why the author choose to use this word or begin with that sentence. Reading for other classes usually only involves gathering the information from the text and interpreting it using your previous knowledge.

2) As a writer, I like to draw my audience in right form the start. If writing a research paper I will almost always either start with a quote or an astonishing fact which pulls the audience in. I will then continue to layout what I am going to talk about without giving away too much detail. I also like to have plenty of information to back myself up using strong argumentative words.

3) As I read this essay I was constantly asking and thinking to myself why the author choose to do this or why the author choose to do that. The author kept referring back to and almost repeating about how authors make choices for certain reasons, word to word and sentence to sentence.

4) If you evaluate something you are going to read before reading it you can find out who the essay is directed towards. This is important to know because the author is going to try his or her hardest to appeal and cater to a certain audience rather than to the general public. You are also able to gather a little information from the title alone. The title should give a good hint to what the essay or article is going to be about and could also provide the author's view on that topic.

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