Monday, April 18, 2011

qualitative example BURNARD

Scott Haraway
Zach Bac
Kevin Frey

How does the author introduce their project?
For this project the author offers up some background about where the project is taking place, in this case Thailand. The fact that Thailand’s population is mainly Buddhist is also included in the introduction and it is mentioned that this fact affects the results of the survey since the religion plays such a large part of everyday life. It also distinguishes the fact that mental health nurses are not separate from regular health nurses.

How does the author write up their research methods?
For this project the author used interviews, observations, and field notes of nurses that worked in the mental health care profession within Thailand. To write up their data, data was input into a data management system which one author entered and another author validated and checked.

How does the author write up their results?
The author uses a short one-sentence introduction before each quote from a nurse or respondent. The author also uses subheadings within the paper to address different aspects of their findings to include part of Thai culture like Buddhism that affected the answers and results they received from the people they spoke with.

How does the author write up their discussion?
The author reiterates what was stated at the beginning of the article, which is that much of the Thai culture effects how people perceive mental illness. This fact is amplified in rural areas while more metropolitan areas rely on modern science to explain mental illness and it’s treatment. The author also states that the research is hopefully a springboard for additional research into the topic.

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